Many love coffee, but few know how to brew a great cup. If you are looking to improve your coffee brewing skills, all you need are few new tips and techniques. The ideas presented here will provide a fabulous beginning.
If you are concerned about your coffee staying fresh for a good amount of time, try not to buy so much of it at one time. Many people buy coffee in bulk, but the reality is that the coffee will start to diminish in quality by the time all of it is consumed.
Put your coffee in the fridge. After you have exposed roasted coffee beans or grinds to fresh air, the flavor can deteriorate quickly. Actually, a large amount of flavor is lost within seven to ten days. Keeping your coffee in the fridge after you have opened the can keeps it fresh longer.
There have been many studies about whether or not coffee is healthy or harmful. Some state that the caffeine in coffee can be harmful unless it is consumed in moderation. Other studies seem to indicate that coffee can work as an antioxidant, and can actually help prevent some diseases such as cancer.
Making a great cup of coffee really depends on your coffee maker. It does not have to be the most expensive model to produce a great cup of coffee, but it does have to brew the coffee properly. Look for a coffee maker who will extract all the best elements out of every single bean.

Use a French press for the best tasting coffee. The purpose of this press is to produce more oil from your coffee beans. Regular coffee machines allow those flavor-rich oils to soak up in the paper filters.
When you are looking for a coffee grinder, do not purchase one that uses blades. Instead, look for one that has cone shaped or grinding burrs to reduce the beans. You will obtain a more consistent cut. Also, the flat blades have a tendency to overheat and can give your coffee a scorched flavor.
If you are making a cup of iced coffee, it is a good idea to use some hot coffee to melt the sugar before you start. This will stop the grains of sugar from lingering at the bottom of the cup. Each sip will taste just as sweet as the last.
To control the strength of your coffee, watch the size of your grind. In this case, coffee is a lot like garlic. The tinier you dice (or grind) it, the more potent the flavor you'll get when cooking or brewing. If you are looking for a milder flavor, then keep your grind rather large.
Many people use bacon soda to keep smells from permeating refrigerators, but used coffee grounds have the same effect. Coffee acts like a natural sponge, and it will absorb any odors it comes in contact with. This is why you should place a small dish of them in your refrigerator to keep odors at bay.

If you have trouble staying awake and have been buying those expensive energy drinks, you should start drinking coffee instead. Each energy drink contains about 100-150 milligrams of caffeine. You can get the same effect from drinking a cup of coffee or two, and you will not have to spend as much money.
If you are very busy during the day at home with a baby, and unable to take the time to brew a quality pot of coffee in your home, find a nearby coffee shop. You can strap your baby into his or her seat, get your cup of coffee and have a short pleasant drive long enough to finish your coffee.
The longer your coffee sits in a pot on the warmer, the worse it will taste. Fresh brewed coffee always tastes best. The longer it sits, the more bitter it becomes. This is one of the key reasons why many of the larger coffee makers will throw out coffee if it sits longer than 20 minutes.
A clean coffee maker is a great coffee maker. If your coffee maker is not cleaned on a weekly basis, your coffee will suffer. Use a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water to run through the coffee makers system to flush out any dirt and contaminants that could influence the taste of your coffee.
Choose a coffee machine carefully. If you like your coffee strong, consider using a French press. If you plan on storing the coffee you brew, don't use a glass carafe. If no one else in your household drinks coffee, get a brewer that brews single cups.

Never get caught up in a coffee shop debate about whether or not baristas are tipped enough or should get tipped at all. Both sides are passionate about their arguments, and when everyone has a cup of coffee in their hands, a tense conversation can get anxious pretty quickly and out of hand.
Have you ever tried adding syrup, nuts or fruits to your coffee? You should buy some fresh fruits or finely ground nuts and add them to your coffee. This will add an interesting flavor and will taste a lot better than the flavored coffee grounds you can buy in store.
Do not grind your coffee beans until you are ready to use them. Ground coffee begins losing its flavor as soon as the grinding takes place. Utilize a grinder with an attached blade. This will produce a better yield and your grind will be less powdery. Powdery grinds may taste bitter.
Never use anything other than fresh coffee at home. Remember the date you open your package. Ground coffee will stay fresh for you for about a week after opening. Whole bean coffee packages, on the other hand, will stay fresh for you up to three weeks after you open it.
If you love coffee, there is nothing worse than trying to choke down a badly made cup. These suggestions should have assisted you in knowing how to do just that. Using what you have learned will help you make a delicious cup every time.
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